Our club wanted to host an event that would draw the best amateur players from around Houston to come out for one tournament, but the question was how to draw them. The answer? The BIGGEST CASH PAYOUTS in town! We set a date and opened registration and quickly signed up 105 players! We paid out over $3,000 in cash and prizes on November 16, 2024. We had so much fun, we decided to make this an annual event, but have committed ourselves to making the 2025 TWICE AS BIG!!! More players, MORE CA$H!!!
The Jones Creek Big Money Mini will be held on Saturday, November 15. Mark your calendars now! Registration opens on August 1st. More details to come, but we've got big stuff in the works!
Click below for more information and registration on DiscGolfScene.com
Want to help us ad MORE CA$H to the payouts? Sponsor a hole or become an Event Partner!
There are 4 levels of Hole Sponsorship available:
Event Partners